
Drug Abuse in Men: Reasons, Signs, and Treatment

While both men and women suffer from drug addiction, the reality is that men tend to suffer at a rate much higher than women. The result is in this country, we are seeing an epidemic of men with drug addictions.Why are the Numbers So High?To really understand the impact of addiction on men, it’s important to look at the statistics....[ read more ]

Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?

Have you been feeling a bit low lately, but you can’t quite put your finger on why? It may have something to do with your social media habits. According to a recent study, social media use can increase depression and loneliness.For years people have suspected that social media use might have an ability to negatively impact our mental well-being. After...[ read more ]

“Am I An Addict?” 5 Signs You Should Seek Help

When we speak about addiction, we tend to think of drugs and alcohol. But there are many seemingly benign activities that can become an addiction for some people. For some, watching porn is an activity done once in a while for fun, while others watch for hours every day alone. Some people shop only when they need something, others spend...[ read more ]

6 Ways that Alcohol Makes Depression Worse

A great many alcoholics are also suffering from major depression. Because alcohol can feed our brain’s serotonin receptors, it can make someone feel good for a short amount of time. But eventually the person crashes and feels even worse than they did before.And this vicious cycle continues and is, unfortunately, very hard to break without asking for professional help.The Chicken...[ read more ]

Creating a Safe Home Environment After Rehab

If you or a loved one have gone through a program in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation center, you know that much of the time spent in rehab focuses on preparing you for your move back home. This can be a dangerous and scary transition if you’re unprepared. Although throughout your stay in rehab you’ve accomplished many things and overcome...[ read more ]

3 Busted Myths About Recovering Addicts

Addiction is complex. And because of this complexity, there tend to be a lot of opinions, and yes, even myths surrounding it.In my practice, I have spoken to many addicts and loved ones of addicts, and I have found the same questions come up over and over again. Unfortunately, I am also aware that these myths and questions stand in the way...[ read more ]

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